
I've got a decision to make today.

The Conduit.

I've never been all that excited about this title. First off, it's an FPS which in all honesty just isn't my genre of choice. Insert a generic Alien Race invades Earth storyline coupled with a chotchy name like Michael Ford for the main character and I basically passed the game on the spot.

I did have some time with the game at E3. Again, I wasn't too impressed. At E3 however, it was only a multiplayer demo so I credit that to it's lackluster experience and it's early playstation visuals. I can say though that I wasn't blown away by the controls, but they were competent, which I still haven't seen since First Person Shooters came out on the Wii. So in that respect, I've got some sort of hope.

So what is the debate here? The reviews have been mostly meh. Nothing fantasic. I was never interested in the game to begin with. It should be a pretty clear cut decision.

The reason's I'm thinking about picking this title up.

A.) It's a Wii title, you take what you can get.

B.) I don't really pay attention to reviews, Bionic Commando (Loved)

C.) This is the type of game you want to support.

I'm not saying everyone go out and buy this game. It's unproven, but we need to take chances sometimes, both in development and in purchases. Through working on the podcast, I've learned that if I had access to all the game I wanted to play, I'd play a shit load more games. Sometimes however, that isn't possible and it ends up hurting my game playing experiences.

Maybe I'll start doing GameFly. Anyone with impressions about The Conduit?

